Stochla, S (2020) Writing icons - a spiritual act of creation. Unpublished BA Critical Cultures Research Project. National College of Art and Design, Ireland.Academia.edu: [Online]. Available at: www.academia.edu/114118850 (Accessed: 27 January 2022)
Stochla, S (2014) Skąd przychodzę, gdzie jestem, dokąd zmierzam? [Where I come, where am I, where am I going ...?] Postgraduate research project. Academy of Humanities and Economics, Łódź, Poland. Academia.edu: [Online]. Available at: www.academia.edu/42881932/ (Accessed: 28 April 2020).
Stochla, S (2008) Scenariusz reportażu. Dzikość Dzika [Reportage script. Wild Boar]. Unpublished postgraduate research project. The Pontifical Academy of Theology, Krakow, Poland.
Stochla, S (2003) Rola mediów w tworzeniu mitów na przykładzie Fridy Kahlo [The role of the media in creating myths on the example of Frida Kahlo]. Unpublished MA research project. University of Silesia, Katowice, Poland.