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  • Samanta Stochla

Mission: possible

I am addicted to sugar. I blamed Paweł for drinking too much alcohol. I regulate emotions with sugar, he regulated them with alcohol. We were both addicted. Additionally, I was addicted to the emotions he gave me. I called it love, fascination, he was important to me. He is still important, but I go to his grave much less often. I bring flowers there and lights. I give them to myself too. I love flowers. Today I thought of replacing sweets with flowers. Every time, I want to eat something sweet, I will buy a flower. But who can replace Paweł?

It is imposible. Maybe Saint Onuphrius will help... and brings light to me.


I met Pauline in a dream. She said there was no going back to the hostel. This isn't your place anymore. It is time to grow up.

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